We offer a full line of livestock and horse supplies to keep them healthy. From products to keep them healthy and comfortable to emergency supplies and prescription medications, we will have what you need in stock or available for fast delivery.
- Vaccinations
- Bandaging supplies
- Antiseptics & cleansers
- Prescription medications
- Dewormers
- Supplements & probiotics
- Oral & IV fluids
- …and more

Every single product we sell is used or recommended by our licensed veterinarians, which means that we can vouch for their quality and efficacy. Products purchased through other online outlets do not have that distinction. Other benefits of buying products directly through Mille Lacs Veterinary Group include:
- All medications are stored at the appropriate temperature
- Any side effects can be addressed and discussed with your veterinarian, who knows your animal and their medical history
- Your animals will always receive the proper dosage and other instructions as directed by your veterinarian
- If you have any questions about your animal’s medication, food, or other product, your veterinarian will be able to answer them fully
- Medications and/or foods sold in some online stores may be expired or counterfeit
- We are a local, community-based business

The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
An established veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) is essential to providing quality care and is required by law to be established prior to dispensing prescription medications to our clients. Your veterinarian will work with you in making decisions about diagnosis and treatment of disease along with preventive care. Our veterinarian’s knowledge and experience make them one of the most valuable resources a client has regarding their animal’s health and wellness.
The Veterinary Feed Directive
The Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) is a set of regulations implemented by the FDA. VFD drugs are produced to be used in animal feed, and the use of these drugs is not permitted unless under the supervision of a professional, licensed veterinarian. The final rule of this directive provides veterinarians with the necessary instructions for authorizing the use of antimicrobials in animal feed as needed for health-related problems in food-producing animals.
The VFD final rule requires that veterinarians issue VFDs solely within the context of a veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR). The VFD regulations ensure that veterinarians have proper oversight in using medical important antimicrobials according to label instructions, and only when absolutely needed.
Contact us at any time to learn more about the VFD and the VCPR.