Cat & Dog Surgeries in Becker, Milaca & Foley

dog surgeries in becker, milaca and foley, mn

For many pets, surgery is inevitable. For most, it will be a routine spay/neuter procedure. The veterinary surgeons here at Mille Lacs Veterinary Group are skilled at performing a wide range of soft tissue cat and dog surgeries. In addition, we have board-certified surgeons who come to all of our clinic locations and can perform orthopedic procedures as well as more complex soft-tissue surgeries.

We know that even for a preventive procedure, having your pet undergo surgery is a scary time, but it certainly doesn’t have to be. The surgical suites at our Foley, Milaca, and Becker locations are equipped with advanced technology to ensure your pet’s safety and comfort. We utilize comprehensive anesthesia monitoring and have a veterinarian dedicated to every patient undergoing an anesthetic episode for the entire duration of that pet’s procedure. What’s more, we employ only Certified Veterinary Technicians or Veterinary Assistant that have completed a Veterinary Technology degree to assist our doctors, which means our staff has a higher level of training than you can find at many other practices.

Soft Tissue Surgeries/Laser Surgery

Soft tissue surgery is a type of pet surgery that does not involve any bones. The following is a list of some of the most common soft tissue surgeries we perform at Mille Lacs Veterinary Group:

  • Spaying/neutering
  • Biopsy
  • Foreign body removal
  • Wound treatment
  • Tumor removal
  • …and more!

At our Milaca location, we offer laser surgery as an alternative option to a traditional scalpel for many soft tissue procedures (spays, neuters, etc.). The laser “cuts” the tissue by vaporizing the cells. With laser surgery, your pet experiences a reduction in pain, blood loss, and the risk of infection.

small dog with cone
vet and tech doing surgery
Orthopedic Cat & Dog Surgeries

Orthopedic Cat & Dog Surgeries

Orthopedic surgeries are surgeries that involve bone. Our visiting board-certified surgeons perform several orthopedic procedures to treat various conditions, including:

  • Fractures
  • ACL tears (with TPLO and extracapsular repair)
  • Medial patella luxation
  • Elbow disorders
  • ...and many more!

Regardless of what type of surgery is needed, your pet will be in good hands with our team. Please contact us if you have any questions about our cat or dog surgeries.